Flutter Study Group - Beginner Workshop: Write your first Flutter app (English)

RD Technologies, 16/F, Tower 535, 535 Jaffe Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong, 00000

GDG Hong Kong

Join the Flutter Study Group co-hosted by GDG Hong Kong and Flutter Hong Kong, hands-on learn Flutter with industry standard's good practice, share ideas and experiences, recommend useful Flutter packages, and study advanced Flutter topics with other local developers.

Jul 4, 2023, 11:30 AM – 1:45 PM

34 RSVP'd

Key Themes


About this event

Flutter is an open-source application development framework developed by Google, allowing developers to use single code base to build cross-platform applications with native performance and gorgeous UI. When first launched in 2018, it mainly supported mobile application development, and now it supports 6 platforms: iOS, Android, Web, Windows, MacOS and Linux.

Join the Flutter Study Group co-hosted by GDG Hong Kong and Flutter Hong Kong, hands-on learn Flutter with industry standard's good practice, share ideas and experiences, recommend useful Flutter packages, and study advanced Flutter topics with other local developers.

Different from usual tech talk, our study group encourages study group member to be more interactive, welcome to suggest topics and even give a casual tech sharing with other study group members. Our mentors are also learning together with the members.

Content: Flutter beginner workshop. Flutter introduction & hands-on codelab CodeLab: Write your first Flutter app 

** Please bring a laptop computer with Wi-Fi feature and charger, and install Flutter SDK and IDE in advance (IDE recommends VSCode) ** 

Date:2023 July 4 (Tue) (Note 1)

Time:7:30pm - 9:45pm

Venue: RD Technologies office(16/F, Tower 535, No. 535 Jaffe Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong)and Online

=== Special thanks to the event venue sponsors [RD Technologies] ===

Language: English

Who can join:Friends who have basic coding experience* and who are interested in Flutter development. (Note 2)

1. Flutter Study Group will be held on Tuesday nights bi-weekly. This session will be held on July 4, 2023.

2. If you have no coding experience, you can have a look on the basic Dart https://dart.dev/language . Dart is the programming language used for Flutter development, and understanding the basic Dart is helpful for learning Flutter. If you need help on learning Flutter or setting-up Flutter environment, please join the  Flutter Hong Kong Telegram group.

Flutter 係由Google 開發既open-source應用程式開發framework,讓developers可以用一個code base去建構跨平台且有Native性能及華麗UI既應用程式。 在 2018 年推出當時主要支持mobile應用開發,而家已可支援六個平台上的應用程式開發:iOS、Android、Web、Windows、MacOS 及 Linux。

加入GDG Hong Kong聯同Flutter Hong Kong合辦既Flutter Study Group,與其他本地developers一齊hands-on學習Flutter & Dart基礎知識及good practice、分享中伏位或心得、推薦好用package 及 討論進一步Flutter技術主題。

有別一般tech talk,Study group期望成員多點交流,歡迎成員提議想學習既topics,更期待成員之間輕鬆形式tech sharing,mentor都是跟大家一同學習。

是次主題: Flutter新手班,介紹Flutter,一齊落手完成 CodeLab: Write your first Flutter app

**請帶備有wifi功能手提電腦及充電器,及提前安裝好Flutter SDK 及 IDE (IDE建議VSCode) **

日期:2023年7月4日(星期二) (註1)

時間:7:30pm - 9:45pm

地點: RD Technologies 辦公室(銅鑼灣謝斐道535號Tower 535 16樓)及 Online

=== 特別鳴謝活動場地贊助 RD Technologies ===

語言: 英文

對象:有基礎coding經驗*及有興趣Flutter開發的朋友。 (註2)

1. 讀書會在星期二晚上舉行,每兩星期舉行一節。本節在 2023年7月4日舉行。

2. 如沒有coding經驗的可以先去睇睇基礎Dart https://dart.dev/language 。 Dart係Flutter使用既開發語言,明白基礎Dart對學習Flutter有幫助。 如睇唔明可到 Flutter Hong Kong Telegram group 發問。



Tuesday, July 4, 2023
11:30 AM – 1:45 PM UTC


  • Emma Wong

    GDG Hong Kong


  • Crizant Lai

    Flutter Hong Kong



  • Homing Tam


    Principal Product Manager


Flutter Hong Kong logo

Flutter Hong Kong

RD Technologies logo

RD Technologies


  • Thomas Chong

    GDG Hong Kong

    GDGHK Organizer

  • Homing TAM


    GDGHK Organizer

  • Emma Wong

    GDG Hong Kong

    GDGHK Organizer

  • Kinni Mew

    GDGHK Organizer

  • Larry Lo

    GDGHK Organizer

  • Frankie Wu

    GDGHK Organizer

  • Allen Wyma

    Plangora Limited

    GDGHK Organizer

  • Herbert, Ho-yin Man

    GDGHK Helper

  • Desmond Yeung

    GDG HK

    GDGHK Helper

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