一年一度本地 Google 技術 Developer Conference 又同大家見面喇🤗 歡迎你嘅參與! Local Google Developer Conference. Welcome everyone to join it!
141 RSVP'd
Hello!👋我哋誠意邀請喺度睇緊呢個活動嘅你,參與本地本年度最大型既Google技術Developer Conference!🤗
我哋 GDG Hong Kong 從本地 developers嘅角度出發,為大家帶來眾多唔同Google technology嘅最熱門話題同埋技術講座!
除了本地的專家講者及Google講者,今年亦有來自唔同國家嘅講者一齊嚟分享吓佢地開發心得、技術 研究、項目經驗👨💻👩💻
題目: Android / Cloud / Kotlin / Maps & Geospatial / Machine Learning / Web / Gender Diversity
語言: 廣東話 / 英文
Hello!👋 You're cordially invited to the largest developer conference on Google technology in Hong Kong 🤗
We are exploring hot topics on different Google technologies and tailoring them to meet the needs of local developers!
There are speakers from different countries and cities too! 👨💻👩💻
Date:12th November, 2022 (Saturdays) (Hybri streaming)
Themes: Android / Blockchain / Cloud / Kotlin / Maps & Geospatial / Machine Learning / Web / Gender Diversity
Language: Cantonese / English
DevFest'22 GDG Hong Kong 由以下社群共同協辦 / DevFest'22 GDG Hong Kong is co-hosted by the following communities:
- GDG Hong Kong
- Women Techmakers Hong Kong
- TensorFlow Hong Kong
- Hong Kong Kotlin User Group
1. 須掃描「安心出行」二維碼
2. 需符合香港特別行政區政府疫苗通行證的疫苗接種要求 ; 或提供康復紀錄二維碼 / 康復的相關證明文件 (康復日期起計 180 天)
To comply with the health regulatory requirements by the government, all In-person participants must agree to the following precautionary measures:
1. Scan QR code with “LeaveHomeSafe” application
2. Fulfil the vaccination requirement of Vaccine Pass of the HKSAR Government; or Recovery Record QR Code / proof of infection and recovery document (within 180 days after the day of recovery)
Saturday, November 12, 2022
2:00 AM – 9:30 AM (UTC)
Check-in at Master Concept office |
Opening |
Google Cloud Next Recap & How to save $10,000+ on your GCP bills (廣東話 Cantonese) |
Deep Dive the Real-World Performance of Kotlin Coroutine (V.S. Reactor, Java Virtual Threads) (廣東話 Cantonese) |
Lunch break |
[Track 1] Android 13: What’s new (廣東話 Cantonese) |
[Track 2] Google Cloud ML & Data Applications in Business Cases (廣東話 Cantonese) |
[Track 1] Codelab: Build Facebook UI Clone with Flutter (廣東話 Cantonese) |
[Track 2] Machine Learning - Stable Diffusion (廣東話 Cantonese) |
[Track 1] Building an NFT Competition w/ Firebase (英文 English) |
[Track 2] Discovering "Bloom": The Largest Open Access AI Language Model (廣東話 Cantonese) |
[Track 1] Dev Experience made easy with DevSecOps (廣東話 Cantonese) |
[Track 2] How Product, Engineering, and Design Can Work in Harmony (英文 English) |
[Track 1] DevTools - CSS 和 UI 設計新工具 (廣東話 Cantonese) |
[Track 2] Introduction to Google Earth Engine (英文 English) |
Closing |
Developer Relations Engineer
Community Manager
Google Developer Expert in Earth Engine
GDG Hong Kong Organizer
Google Developer Expert in Machine Learning, Co-founder of TensorFlow Hong Kong
Google Developer Expert in Kotlin, Lead Software Architect
Product Manager
Google Developer Student Clubs
HKUST Technical Core Lead
Managing Director
Palo Alto
Regional Prisma Cloud Solution Architect
GDG Hong Kong
GDG Organizer, Co-founder of Hong Kong Kotlin User Group
GDG Hong Kong
GDG Hong Kong
GDG Organizer
HKUST Computer Science
GDG Organizer, Student
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