DevFest'22 GDG Hong Kong

Master Concept, 2/F, The Whitney, 183 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong, .

GDG Hong Kong

一年一度本地 Google 技術 Developer Conference 又同大家見面喇🤗 歡迎你嘅參與! Local Google Developer Conference. Welcome everyone to join it!

Nov 12, 2022, 2:00 – 9:30 AM (UTC)

141 RSVP'd

Key Themes

AndroidCareer DevelopmentCloudDevFestFirebaseGoogle Cloud NextGoogle Maps PlatformInclusionMachine LearningMobileTensorFlowWeb

About this event

Hello!👋我哋誠意邀請喺度睇緊呢個活動嘅你,參與本地本年度最大型既Google技術Developer Conference!🤗

我哋 GDG Hong Kong 從本地 developers嘅角度出發,為大家帶來眾多唔同Google technology嘅最熱門話題同埋技術講座!

除了本地的專家講者及Google講者,今年亦有來自唔同國家嘅講者一齊嚟分享吓佢地開發心得、技術 研究、項目經驗👨‍💻👩‍💻


題目: Android / Cloud / Kotlin / Maps & Geospatial / Machine Learning / Web / Gender Diversity

語言: 廣東話 / 英文


Hello!👋 You're cordially invited to the largest developer conference on Google technology in Hong Kong 🤗

We are exploring hot topics on different Google technologies and tailoring them to meet the needs of local developers!

There are speakers from different countries and cities too! 👨‍💻👩‍💻

Date:12th November, 2022 (Saturdays) (Hybri streaming)

Themes: Android / Blockchain / Cloud / Kotlin / Maps & Geospatial / Machine Learning / Web / Gender Diversity

Language: Cantonese / English


DevFest'22 GDG Hong Kong 由以下社群共同協辦 / DevFest'22 GDG Hong Kong is co-hosted by the following communities:

- GDG Hong Kong

- Women Techmakers Hong Kong

- TensorFlow Hong Kong

- Hong Kong Kotlin User Group



1. 須掃描「安心出行」二維碼

2. 需符合香港特別行政區政府疫苗通行證的疫苗接種要求 ; 或提供康復紀錄二維碼 / 康復的相關證明文件 (康復日期起計 180 天)

To comply with the health regulatory requirements by the government, all In-person participants must agree to the following precautionary measures:

1. Scan QR code with “LeaveHomeSafe” application

2. Fulfil the vaccination requirement of Vaccine Pass of the HKSAR Government; or Recovery Record QR Code / proof of infection and recovery document (within 180 days after the day of recovery)



Saturday, November 12, 2022
2:00 AM – 9:30 AM (UTC)


Check-in at Master Concept office
Google Cloud Next Recap & How to save $10,000+ on your GCP bills (廣東話 Cantonese)
Deep Dive the Real-World Performance of Kotlin Coroutine (V.S. Reactor, Java Virtual Threads) (廣東話 Cantonese)
Lunch break
[Track 1] Android 13: What’s new (廣東話 Cantonese)
[Track 2] Google Cloud ML & Data Applications in Business Cases (廣東話 Cantonese)
[Track 1] Codelab: Build Facebook UI Clone with Flutter (廣東話 Cantonese)
[Track 2] Machine Learning - Stable Diffusion (廣東話 Cantonese)
[Track 1] Building an NFT Competition w/ Firebase (英文 English)
[Track 2] Discovering "Bloom": The Largest Open Access AI Language Model (廣東話 Cantonese)
[Track 1] Dev Experience made easy with DevSecOps (廣東話 Cantonese)
[Track 2] How Product, Engineering, and Design Can Work in Harmony (英文 English)
[Track 1] DevTools - CSS 和 UI 設計新工具 (廣東話 Cantonese)
[Track 2] Introduction to Google Earth Engine (英文 English)


  • Jecelyn Yeen


    Developer Relations Engineer

  • Meg Jiang


    Community Manager

  • Ziyu LIN

    Google Developer Expert in Earth Engine

  • Kinni Mew

    GDG Hong Kong Organizer

    Google Developer Expert in Machine Learning, Co-founder of TensorFlow Hong Kong

  • Gary Lo

    Google Developer Expert in Kotlin, Lead Software Architect

  • Mashiat Lamisa


    Product Manager

  • Jason William Nursalim

    Google Developer Student Clubs

    HKUST Technical Core Lead

  • Chris CHENG


    Managing Director

  • Kin TSE

  • Bill HO

    Palo Alto

    Regional Prisma Cloud Solution Architect

  • Desmond Yeung

    GDG Hong Kong

    GDG Organizer, Co-founder of Hong Kong Kotlin User Group

  • Emma Wong

    GDG Hong Kong


  • Orix Au Yeung

    GDG Hong Kong

    GDG Organizer

  • Thomas Chong

    HKUST Computer Science

    GDG Organizer, Student


  • GDG Hong Kong

  • Women Techmakers Hong Kong


  • Thomas Chong

    GDG Hong Kong

    GDGHK Organizer

  • Larry Lo

    GDGHK Organizer

  • Frankie Wu

    GDGHK Organizer

  • Allen Wyma

    Plangora Limited

    GDGHK Helper

  • Chun Hung Cheung

    GDGHK Helper

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