DevFest'21 GDG Hong Kong

GDG Hong Kong

本地最大型既 Google 技術 Developer Conference 又同大家見面喇🤗 歡迎你嘅參與!

Nov 20, 2021, 1:45 AM – Nov 27, 2021, 11:00 AM

155 RSVP'd

Key Themes

AR/VRAndroidCareer DevelopmentCloudCommunity BuildingDataDesignDevFestDevOpsFirebaseFlutterGoogle AssistantInclusionIoTMachine LearningMobileNetworkingWebWomen Techmakers

About this event

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Hello!👋我哋誠意邀請喺度睇緊呢個活動嘅你,參與本地本年度最大型既Google技術Developer Conference!🤗

我哋 GDG Hong Kong 從本地 developers嘅角度出發,為大家帶來眾多唔同Google technology嘅最熱門話題同埋技術講座!

除了本地的專家講者及Google講者,今年亦有來自唔同國家嘅講者一齊嚟分享吓佢地開發心得、技術 研究、項目經驗👨‍💻👩‍💻

日期:2021年11月20日、27日 (星期六)(共兩天,以線上串流形式進行)

題目: Android / Blockchain / Cloud / Kotlin / Maps & Geospatial / Machine Learning / Web / Gender Diversity

語言: 廣東話 / 英文


Day 1有比較多Machine Learning技術分享,由入門TensorFlow實例到中階ML Research, 精彩題目包括Financial news summarization by NLP, Neural Network Study, Deep Learning implementation on computer graphic rendering。

除了ML,還有一個分享是Homing (Maps GDE) 介紹利用地圖及位置智能技術優化配送方案,及一個關於如何用Data協助管理software engineer team。

Day 1最後環節有幸邀請到Google香港既Customer Engineer,William,用廣東話同參加者一齊傾下Cloud既話題。


Day 2的內容包括有大熱blockchain Trading、Android必學Scalable and maintainable architecture、hands-on示範webview & Unity bridging、Netflix力推GraphQL in Kotlin framework.

還有兩個Cloud topic分別關於online gaming data insight及RTMP server on GCP做multiple platforms做Live Streaming。

另外特別介紹Namrata的"Novel lens to your problem"分享如何用REDX方法有系統地引導佢既團隊用AI技術令打開窗戶都可以解決噪音問題。

Day 2下午稍後還有兩個Fireside chat! 來自馬來西亞Google既Jecelyn會用廣東話同參加者傾下Web Dev & Gender Diversity。 而香港Google既Fung & DevFest講者Toru會用英文傾下Android Dev話題!



Day 2 (Nov 27) 17:45 - 20:00

DevFest'21 GDG HK Closing Party@GatherTown

除了技術分享,參加GDG活動最珍貴係Community! 過往既offline活動臨結束,參加者好自然就會傾起來。能認識到同樣熱愛技術、追求進步既同路人,好充實好鼓舞!


我地會在GatherTown玩遊戲送禮物、用大會送出既Delvieroo 港幣$100 電子現金券(*詳情請看下面抽獎詳情)叫外賣一齊virtual dinner、同其他參加者、講者、GDG organizers傾下計!




40個名額 Google Developers紀念品福袋 "T-shirt乙件 + 隨機禮物"(只限郵寄到香港本地)

40個名額 Deliveroo HK 港元$100 電子現金券乙張(只適用於香港地區,及必須於27號Closing Party領取)

以上獎品會平均在以下4輪抽獎送出。 每人每輪可提交多次Feedback Form,但同一輪中每人只有一次有獎問答遊戲機會,但曾在前輪中獎便不會再次中獎。須填寫報名時相同電郵地址。

第一輪: 填寫11月20上午直播期間發佈的活動Feedback Form,結果於香港時間11月20日 14:00公佈

第二輪: 填寫11月20下午直播期間發佈的活動Feedback Form,結果於香港時間11月20日 17:45公佈

第三輪: 填寫11月27上午直播期間發佈的活動Feedback Form,結果於香港時間11月27日 14:00公佈

第四輪: 填寫11月27下午直播期間發佈的活動Feedback Form,結果於香港時間11月27日 17:45公佈



Hello!👋 You're cordially invited to the largest developer conference on Google technology in Hong Kong 🤗

We are exploring hot topics on different Google technologies and tailoring them to meet the needs of local developers!

There are speakers from different countries and cities too! 👨‍💻👩‍💻

Date:20th & 27th November, 2021 (Saturdays) (2-day event via online streaming)

Themes: Android / Blockchain / Cloud / Kotlin / Maps & Geospatial / Machine Learning / Web / Gender Diversity

Language: Cantonese / English


Day 1 has a lot of Machine Learning topics sharing, from beginner Tensorflow example to intermediate level implementation, including some interesting topics: Financial news summarization by NLP, Neural Network Study, Deep Learning implementation on computer graphic rendering.

There is also a sharing that Homing (Maps GDE) introduces the use of map and location intelligence technology to optimize the distribution plan, and how to use Data to help manage the software engineer team.

The last part of Day 1, we have invited the Customer Engineer, William, from Google Hong Kong to chat with the participants in Cantonese on any topics of Cloud.


The content of Day 2 includes the blockchain trading, scalable and maintainable architecture that Android developers must learn, hands-on workshop of webview & Unity bridging, and GraphQL Kotlin framework open sourced by Netflix.

There are also two Cloud topics about online gaming data insight and RTMP server on GCP as multiple platforms for Live Streaming.

In addition, Namrata’s "Novel lens to your problem" will share how the REDX methodology guide her team systematically to use AI technology to solve the noise problem even opening the windows.

There will be two Fireside chats later in the afternoon of Day 2! Googler Jecelyn from Malaysia will talk about Web Dev & Gender Diversity with participants in Cantonese. Also, Fung from Google Hong Kong & DevFest speaker Toru will talk about Android Dev topics in English!


Day 2 (Nov 27) 17:45 - 20:00

DevFest'21 GDG HK Closing Party@GatherTown

In addition to knowledge sharing, the most precious part of GDG events is Community! In the good old days in the offline events, the participants will naturally gather and chat in small group. It is so inspiring to meet the fellow who also love technology and pursue progress!

This year, we will use the online platform GatherTown to let every participants to network with others so naturally just as easy as offline event.

We will play games in GatherTown to give gifts, and use the Delvieroo HK$100 e-voucher to be given out at the conference (*please see the "Lucky Draw" details below) to order a take-away and virtual dinner together with other participants, speakers, GDG organizers!


Prize Quiz

We are going to give out the following prize for registered participants by prize quiz.

40 Google Developers commemorative gift pack "One T-shirt + random gift" (only mailed to Hong Kong address)


40 Deliveroo HK HKD $100 e-voucher (only applicable in Hong Kong area, and must be collected at Closing Party on Nov 27)

The above prizes will be evenly given out in the following 4 rounds prize quiz. Each person can submit multiple Feedback Forms per round, but each person has only one chance to draw in the same round. One won't win the prize again if one has won once in the previous round. Must fill in the event registered email address in the form.

1st round: Submit the feedback form released during the livestream of Nov 20th morning sessions. The result will be notified by email at 14:00 on November 20th, Hong Kong time.

2nd round: Submit the feedback form released during the livestream of Nov 20th afternoon sessions. The result will be notified by email at 17:45, November 20, Hong Kong time

3rd round: Submit the feedback form released during the livestream of Nov 27th A.M. sessions. The result will be notified by email at 14:00 on November 27th, Hong Kong time.

4th round: Submit the feedback form released during the livestream of Nov 27th afternoon sessions. The result will be notified by email at 17:45 on November 27th, Hong Kong time

Please reply the email or redeem the prize within the time limit indicated in the prize quiz result email


DevFest'21 GDG Hong Kong 由以下社群共同協辦 / DevFest'21 GDG Hong Kong is co-hosted by the following communities:

- GDG Hong Kong

- Women Techmakers Hong Kong

- TensorFlow Hong Kong

- Hong Kong Kotlin User Group



November 20 – 27, 2021
1:45 AM – 11:00 AM UTC


What's new in Cloud Next, Android Summit, Google Developer Summit China!
Introduction to Bayesian Neural Network
Hypercharging your app using maps and location intelligence
Implementing DietNeRF in Flax/JAX Community Week
Lunch Break
Create your own object detector using Tensorflow Object Detection API
"喂 Maria" - Build your own wake word with TensorFlow.js
Easy Implementation on Financial News Summarization by NLP
Supercharge Your Team with Software Engineering Analytics
Cloud Fireside chat with Googler and DevFest Speaker
Closing for Day 1


  • Orix Au Yeung

    GDG Hong Kong

    GDG Organizer

  • Melanie Chan

    WTM Hong Kong

    WTM Ambassador, WTM Hong Kong Organizer

  • Ming Choi

    Flutter Hong Kong


  • Toru Wonyoung Choi

    OCBC Bank

    AVP, Mobile Developer

  • Thomas Chong

    HKUST Computer Science

    GDG Organizer, Student

  • Fung Lam


    Developer Relations Engineer, Android

  • Alex Lau


    AI Software Engineer

  • Jeff Lee


    Data Engineer/Analyst

  • Orb Li

    Backend Engineer, Data Engineer

  • Weiyuan Liu

    GDG Cloud Singapore

    Event Organizer

  • Kinni Mew

    GDG Hong Kong Organizer

    Google Developer Expert in Machine Learning, Co-founder of TensorFlow Hong Kong

  • Namrata More

    Co-organizer of GDG Pune, WTM Ambassador Pune, Associate Technical Product Manager

  • Tony Siu

    Google DSC lead for Tamkang University

  • Homing Tam


    Principal Product Manager

  • Gary Lo


    Lead Software Architect

  • William Tsoi


    Customer Engineer

  • Julius Uy



  • Desmond Yeung

    GDG Hong Kong

    GDG Organizer, Co-founder of Hong Kong Kotlin User Group

  • Yeung Wong

    GDG Hong Kong

    GDG Organizer

  • Jecelyn Yeen


    Developer Relations Engineer


  • Herbert, Ho-yin Man

    GDG Hong Kong

    GDG Organizer

  • Aaron Chau

    GDG Hong Kong

    GDG Organizer

  • Desmond Yeung

    GDG Hong Kong

    GDG Organizer, Co-founder of Hong Kong Kotlin User Group

  • Emma Wong

    GDG Hong Kong



  • Homing Tam


    Principal Product Manager

  • Emma Wong

    GDG Hong Kong


  • Orix Au Yeung

    GDG Hong Kong

    GDG Organizer

  • Melanie Chan

    WTM Hong Kong

    WTM Ambassador, WTM Hong Kong Organizer


  • Emma Wong

    GDG Hong Kong


  • Desmond Yeung

    GDG Hong Kong

    GDG Organizer, Co-founder of Hong Kong Kotlin User Group

  • Homing Tam


    Principal Product Manager

  • Herbert, Ho-yin Man

    GDG Hong Kong

    GDG Organizer

  • Aaron Chau

    GDG Hong Kong

    GDG Organizer

  • Yeung Wong

    GDG Hong Kong

    GDG Organizer

  • Kinni Mew

    GDG Hong Kong Organizer

    Google Developer Expert in Machine Learning, Co-founder of TensorFlow Hong Kong

  • Orix Au Yeung

    GDG Hong Kong

    GDG Organizer

  • Melanie Chan

    WTM Hong Kong

    WTM Ambassador, WTM Hong Kong Organizer

  • Thomas Chong

    HKUST Computer Science

    GDG Organizer, Student


TensorFlow Hong Kong logo

TensorFlow Hong Kong

Hong Kong Kotlin User Group logo

Hong Kong Kotlin User Group


  • Thomas Chong

    GDG Hong Kong

    GDGHK Organizer

  • Homing TAM


    GDGHK Organizer

  • Emma Wong

    GDG Hong Kong

    GDGHK Organizer

  • Kinni Mew

    GDGHK Organizer

  • Larry Lo

    GDGHK Organizer

  • Frankie Wu

    GDGHK Organizer

  • Allen Wyma

    Plangora Limited

    GDGHK Organizer

  • Herbert, Ho-yin Man

    GDGHK Helper

  • Desmond Yeung

    GDG HK

    GDGHK Helper

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