世界各國為對抗疫症,皆鼓勵市民留守家中,在家抗疫,促使影音串流平台的崛起! 我們邀請到對影音串流服務方面的專家跟我們分享, 疫情下如何利用Android TV幫助他們的產品開發和市場推廣。同時也會分享到Android 11在Auto, Wear 和ChromeOS的應用更新。Countries around the globe have been actively combating COVID-19, governments encourage citizens to stay at home as much as possible to help stop the spread of pandemic. This gives rise to increasing demand for video streaming services. In this workshop, we are
7 RSVP'd
世界各國為對抗疫症,皆鼓勵市民留守家中,在家抗疫,促使影音串流平台的崛起! 我們邀請到對影音串流服務方面的專家跟我們分享, 疫情下如何利用Android TV幫助他們的產品開發和市場推廣。同時也會分享到Android 11在Auto, Wear 和ChromeOS的應用更新。Countries around the globe have been actively combating COVID-19, governments encourage citizens to stay at home as much as possible to help stop the spread of pandemic. This gives rise to increasing demand for video streaming services. In this workshop, we are glad to invite experts from this field to share with us how to leverage Android TV to help their businesses. Meanwhile, we will also share Android 11 updates on Auto, Wear and Chrome OS.
請到「Android 11 Meetups 系列活動網站」報名, 連結如下, 不要在 meetup 或 facebook 上報名。Please register via below link.
▌工作坊內容What is this workshop about?
參加我們免費的2小時工作坊, 你會了解Android 在手機以外應用, 如Auto, Wear, TV, 和 ChromeOS。Join our 2-hour free workshop, you will learn Android 11 application beyond phones, such as Auto, Wear, TV and ChromeOS.
▌誰適合參加這個工作坊Who can attend?
程式開發員 Software engineers
有興趣的公眾人士 public
Ying Zou, Head of Engineering
Ying is currently the Head of Engineering for Accedo in Asia Pacific. With over 10 years of experience in Media and Entertainment, she works closely with media companies, broadcasters and telcos to realise their video streaming strategies. Having held many technical and business roles, Ying understands the winning formula for any successful business is its people.
Fung Lam, Developer Advocate
Fung is a Developer Advocate working on Android App Compatibility and on Android TV. He has been developing Android applications for a long time and is also very active in promoting App Quality in the developer communities in Far East.
請注意,本活動會以廣東話/英語進行。The workshop will be conducted in Cantonese/English.
▌有問題Any Feedback?
歡迎電郵至organizer@womentechmakers.hk與我們聯繫。Please email us.
立即登記! 歡迎分享給有興趣的朋友喔~ Register now! Please feel free to share with friends!
Stay connected
Thursday, September 3, 2020
11:00 AM – 1:00 PM (UTC)
Online event
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