3 RSVP'd
Here are the stream links for the speakers:
- KotlinConf'24 Key Takeaways from Copenhagen to You! by Nourhan Gehad : https://streamyard.com/rnnvfyryfz
- State of Kotlin 2024 APIs by Shady Selim : https://streamyard.com/x8twvm9qw3
- Merging SwiftUI and Jetpack Compose Without a Hitch! by Qamar A. Safadi : https://streamyard.com/2a2smhdvif
- Animation in Compose by Muhammad Sayed : https://streamyard.com/2a2smhdvif
- Multiplatform App Design with KMM and Compose by Ahmed Adel : https://streamyard.com/3jecgisdye
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