DevFest'23 - GDG Helwan

Modern Academy (CS Department), Street 304, El Basatin, 4234441

GDG Helwan

Google Devfest is a global series of community-led developer events that brings together developers, enthusiasts, and experts to explore the latest technologies and innovations. These events happen worldwide, creating a platform for learning, networking, and collaboration. Google Devfests cover a wide range of topics, including but not limited to, mobile, web, cloud, machine learning, and more.

Dec 5, 2023, 7:00 AM – 4:00 PM (UTC)

53 RSVP'd

Key Themes

AIAccessibilityAndroidAndroid Study JamCloudDataDesignDevFestFirebaseFlutterGoogle PlayMachine LearningMobileTensorFlowWebWomen Techmakers

About this event

Google Devfest is a global series of community-led developer events that brings together developers, enthusiasts, and experts to explore the latest technologies and innovations. These events happen worldwide, creating a platform for learning, networking, and collaboration. Google Devfests cover a wide range of topics, including but not limited to, mobile, web, cloud, machine learning, and more.


📍هيبدأ اليوم الأول بال

" Welcome talk" 🙋🏼‍♀️

و الى هتكون من الساعة 9:30Am للساعة 10:00Am

📍بعد كدا هيكون عندنا توك مع بشمهندس/ احمد نبيل بعنوان :

" Increase Productivity with AI using Android Studio Bot" 👾

و ال هتكون من الساعه 10:00Am ل 10:45Am

📍بعد كدا جهز نفسك لتوك بعنوان :

" Life after graduation: the unspoken truth " 👩🏼‍🎓

و الى هيقدمها بشمهندس/ بسام شرقاوي ✨

و هتكون من الساعة 10:45Am ل 11:30Am

📍بعد كدا هيكون عندنا توك بعنوان

" Boost your Productivity " 📈

و الى هيقدمها بشمهندس/ هيثم محسن ✨

و هتكون من الساعة 11:30Am ل 12:15Pm

📍و هيكون عندنا ورك شوب مع بشمهندس/ خالد نبيل بعنوان :

" From idea to impact: the Scrum framework for a customer-based product "✨

و الى هتكون من الساعة 11:30Am للساعة 12:15Pm

📍بعدين "Break" 🤹‍♀️

من الساعة 12:15Pm للساعة 12:45Pm

📍من الساعة 12:45Pm للساعة 1:30Pm هيكون معانا توك مع بشمهندس/ طارق عليوة بعنوان:

" Google Geo Magic 'location based services' " 🗺️✨

📍وفى الآخر هننهى اليوم مع بشمهندس/ شادى سليم فى توك بعنوان :

" The Multiplatform Era " ✨

من الساعة 1:30Pm للساعة 2:15Pm

مستنينكوا بكرا فى الأكاديمية الحديثة بمبنى صقر قريش 🤗



Tuesday, December 5, 2023
7:00 AM – 4:00 PM (UTC)


  • Tarek Abdulkader Elywah

    Generation C

    Software Development Manger

  • Shady Selim

    Cross Workers

    leader of Android Principle

  • Ahmed Nabil

    Founder and Leader of Kotlin Egypt, Software Tech Lead at_VOIS

  • Bassam (M.) Sharkawy


    Co-Founder | Chief Strategy Officer at Sprints

  • Haitham Mohsen


    Training & Operations Manager @ Sprints | Startups mentor | Train the Trainer, Coaching Skills

  • Khaled Nabih

    product manager and Scrum practitioner


  • Alsmh Ahmed

    Generation C

    iOS Developer

  • Dalia mohamed

    GDG Helwan Organizer

  • Mahmoud H. Alim

    Senior Software Engineer

    GDG Helwan Organizer


  • Modern Academy


DSC Modern Academy for Computer Science logo

DSC Modern Academy for Computer Science

Modern Academy logo

Modern Academy

Sprints logo



  • Tarek Elywah

    GDG Helwan

    Co-Founder & Leader

  • Mahmoud H. Alim


    Vice President

  • Alsmh Ahmed

    Generation C

    GDG Organizer

  • Aia Ashraf

    Areeb Technology

    GDG/WTM Organizer

  • Mohamed Habib


    Senior Android Developer / GDG Speaker

  • Shady Selim


    Founder/Public Speaker

  • Dalia Mohammed


    Ul/UX Designer

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