Dr. Ulrich Vollert is a mobile developer and long time member of our GDG group. He will give a little show and tell on how to connect a Flutter app via GraphQL with a Parse Server backend hosted on Back4App.
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Dr. Ulrich Vollert is a mobile developer and long time member of our GDG group. Tonight he will give a little show and tell on how to connect a Flutter app via GraphQL with a Parse Server backend hosted on Back4App. Back4App hosts the open source framework Parse Server as backend for apps. You can host Parse Server whereever you want, but Back4App puts some cherries on top.
The server can be accessed by REST APIs or GraphQL. Ulrich will show us some practical examples on how to work with GraphQL in a Flutter app.
If you're not into Flutter, there are various SDKs to use Parse, for instance Android SDK, Swift, React Native or Javascript.
The presentation will follow this agenda:
* Overview of the application stack Parse and its main features
* Usage of REST APIs and GraphQL on Parse Server
* Back4App as backend service (BaaS)
* Flutter API and widgets provided by GraphQL_Flutter
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