Alex from the Firebase team is on Europe tour and is going to drop by to explain to us the deeper logic of Firestore, do a little workshop with us and answer our questions about anything Firebase-related. If you are a beginner and you have never set up your own backend - drop by, Firebase is an amazing tool to get you going quickly. No matter, if you are an app or a web developer. But this event
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Alex from the Firebase team is on Europe tour and is going to drop by to explain to us the deeper logic of Firestore, do a little workshop with us and answer our questions about anything Firebase-related.
If you are a beginner and you have never set up your own backend - drop by, Firebase is an amazing tool to get you going quickly. No matter, if you are an app or a web developer.
But this event is also a good opportunity for those of you who work with Firebase on a regular basis: We will deep dive into Firestore, the differences to the Realtime database and there will be time to ask questions relating to other Firebase features as well.
Since this is so last minute, we couldn't get the Hafven meeting space in Nordstadt this time - instead, we will hold the event at Hafven in Linden.
Bring your laptops, we will do some coding along!
The lecture and workshop will be in English.
Looking forward to seeing you ;)
Your GDG Hannover team
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