Hands-on - Google Recommendations AI

GDG Hamburg

Don't forget to join our Slack: https://join.slack.com/t/gdghamburg/shared_invite/zt-dd29n1uv-Dz_EXKQW4P1_LauKgqXEYg During the meetup we are going to present what is Recommendations AI and how we used it in a PoC project for one of our ecommerce clients so they could provide their customers with top-notch AI-based recommendations of products they sell. We are going to go step by step on what we

Apr 14, 2020, 3:30 – 5:00 PM (UTC)

20 RSVP'd

Key Themes


About this event

Don't forget to join our Slack: https://join.slack.com/t/gdghamburg/shared_invite/zt-dd29n1uv-Dz_EXKQW4P1_LauKgqXEYg

During the meetup we are going to present what is Recommendations AI and how we used it in a PoC project for one of our ecommerce clients so they could provide their customers with top-notch AI-based recommendations of products they sell.

We are going to go step by step on what we did to adapt the service as an architect/developer. Moreover, as Recommendations AI is still in beta we will provide you some insights on what we think is worth remembering while using this kind of GCP services. All of the above using examples from our hands-on experience.

About our speakers

Patryk Wieczorek is Cloud Native Developer at Nordcloud, where he uses modern technology to unlock new possibilities. Believes that programming language is just a tool and Half-Life 3 will soon be confirmed. He is a nice guy who does his best to help the rest ( ゚▽゚)/

Maciej Wiraszka is Cloud Native Developer in Nordcloud where he is currently developing state-of-the-art serverless apps based on GCP and AWS. Google Cloud Certified Associate Cloud Engineer passionate about public cloud, programming, DevOps and Agile. Constantly trying to combine advantages of these in everything he does.


  • Matthias Friedrich

    MOIA GmbH

    GDG Organizer

  • Guus van Weelden

    MOIA GmbH

    GDG Organizer

  • Sascha Lorenz

    PSG Projekt Service GmbH

    GDG Organizer

  • Julia Heidinger

    Social Developers Club


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