! **This base is so fast, it's on fire! **(Pun intended) Does the end of Parse mean the end of BaaS (backend as a service) in general? Or is it just that you have to pick the right one? Join us for a evening dedicated to one of the hottest BaaS solutions out there right now. After that you decide on your own! Our guest will be Frank van Puffelen (Google). **Abstract:** _Firebase is the fastes
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This base is so fast, it's on fire! (Pun intended)
Does the end of Parse mean the end of BaaS (backend as a service) in general? Or is it just that you have to pick the right one?
Join us for a evening dedicated to one of the hottest BaaS solutions out there right now. After that you decide on your own! Our guest will be Frank van Puffelen (Google).
Firebase is the fastest way to build your app. Come and learn how you can build applications quickly without managing complex infrastructure. You'll find out how Firebase's data storage, user management, and asset hosting features work. In addition you'll get to choose, for which platform we'll live-code a chat application. Web? Or Android?
Speaker bio: Frank van Puffelen
Frank is an engineer for Firebase at Google. He helps developers build extraordinary apps that use Firebase as their back-end. If you've ever asked a Firebase question on StackOverflow, you've probably met Frank already.
So, does that sound good for a lausy weathered Saturday in February? Fine, see you then!
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