74 RSVP'd
Let's kick off in-person meetings again with an all-hands get-2gether of the regional Google tech communities. You're invited for an evening together with local GDG leads, GDEs, GDC leads, or anyone else interested in exchanging and talking about Google technologies and/or just some interesting networking.
If you want to join remotely, please use this link:
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/uzz-jukk-stc
Thursday, May 19, 2022
4:00 PM – 7:30 PM (UTC)
4:00 PM | Open Doors |
4:00 PM | Welcome Drinks |
4:30 PM | Mira Jago - My journey with the Google Developer Programs |
4:45 PM | Jens Oliver - Thinking Like an Engineering Lead |
5:00 PM | Peter Friese - What's new in Firebase Recap |
5:15 PM | Networking |
7:00 PM | Close Doors |
Cuckoo Coding GmbH
Senior Developer Advocate at Google on Firebase 🔥
Engineering Manager & Author
Developer Relations, Regional Lead DACH
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