We're happy to announce KOTLIN/Everywhere Hamburg! 🎉 Together with the GDG Hamburg Android, we will celebrate the summer ⛱ with a full day of talks and sessions all about Kotlin! IMPORTANT: We have a limited number of spots available. For this reason we ask you to register free of charge on Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/kotlineverywhere-hamburg-tickets-64993039932 Registering on Me
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We're happy to announce KOTLIN/Everywhere Hamburg! 🎉 Together with the GDG Hamburg Android, we will celebrate the summer ⛱ with a full day of talks and sessions all about Kotlin!
IMPORTANT: We have a limited number of spots available. For this reason we ask you to register free of charge on Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/kotlineverywhere-hamburg-tickets-64993039932
Registering on Meetup.com IS NOT SUFFICIENT to participate. You need to have an Eventbrite ticket.
The Date: Friday August the 30th 📅
The Location: Finhaven, Versmannstraße 4, 20457 Hamburg
AGENDA & SPEAKERS will be announced really soon!
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