Yes! It's once again time for another awesome Android meetup. Leave your horses, cause we're driving into the woods with some Database wisdom. Afterwards you can share some insight about libraries, frameworks or just tell a crazy Android story and receive some amazing swag (Seriously you can't miss out on the swag). Bring an axe! (Just kidding ;) _ _ _Agenda:_ **How to be a Database Lumberja
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Yes! It's once again time for another awesome Android meetup. Leave your horses, cause we're driving into the woods with some Database wisdom. Afterwards you can share some insight about libraries, frameworks or just tell a crazy Android story and receive some amazing swag (Seriously you can't miss out on the swag).
Bring an axe! (Just kidding ;)
How to be a Database Lumberjack (in an ORM world) - Alberto Ballano @XING
Lightning Talks - by anyone.
See you there!
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