Architecting modern Android apps

GDG Hamburg Android

This time we will be meeting at the Netlight office. As the Google Hardware event is likely going to start just an hour before, we are meeting at 6 already to watch the livestream together. After that 3 of Netlight's Android developers want to share their approach on how to architect Android apps: Clean Architecture on Android - a modern approach to medium to large-sized apps Clean architectur

Oct 15, 2019, 4:00 – 7:00 PM


Key Themes


About this event

This time we will be meeting at the Netlight office.

As the Google Hardware event is likely going to start just an hour before, we are meeting at 6 already to watch the livestream together.

After that 3 of Netlight's Android developers want to share their approach on how to architect Android apps:

Clean Architecture on Android - a modern approach to medium to large-sized apps

Clean architecture has increased its popularity for Android in the last years. Three developers from Netlight built a sample app using Kotlin, Coroutines, Koin, Architecture Components and Retrofit to showcase how a project is structured and how different parts of the codebase interact with each other.
These are some of the insights they want to share:
- What is it about?
- Why is it worth a look?
- How can we use it on an Android project?
- What benefits does it bring?

The talk will be given by:
Lennart Bartelt (Android Developer @ Netlight)
Grigori Hlopkov (Android Developer @ Netlight)
Manuel Sala de Borja (Android Developer @ Netlight)

There is still room for a 2nd talk, just let us know in case you would like to present something.

After the talks, there will as always be some time to network and chat. We are looking forward to meeting you all and have an interesting evening again.


  • Matthias Friedrich

    MOIA GmbH

    Chapter Lead Android

  • Manuel Mueller

    Netlight Consulting GmbH

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