Android Meetup - further intentions

GDG Hamburg Android

After some long absence we are are happy to meet again at one of our first location hosts. After we sadly had to cancel it last time we are catching up with on **Jossi Wolfs** talk about the **Model View Intent** architecture pattern. _In an age where testability and maintainability are some of the most important aspects in (Android) App development developers have been coming up with design pat

Aug 16, 2017, 5:00 – 8:00 PM (UTC)

0 RSVP'd

Key Themes

About this event

After some long absence we are are happy to meet again at one of our first location hosts.

After we sadly had to cancel it last time we are catching up with on Jossi Wolfs talk about the Model View Intent architecture pattern.

In an age where testability and maintainability are some of the most important aspects in (Android) App development developers have been coming up with design patterns and own interpretations of them, for example MVP (Model View Presenter).

By decoupling business logic and platform-related code, code has been made more testable and easier to maintain.

A (relatively) new design pattern is MVI (Model View Intent). Being inspired by Facebook’s Flux, it takes a lot from MVP and combines it with States and Intents.Intents are the user actions, e.g. tapping on a button, and States are generated and rendered by the View.

You will learn about the basic idea of MVI, what a State and State Reducer are, and how you can test applications with the MVI design pattern.

And the 2nd, smaller talk: Android App Shortcuts by Daniel Hartwich


  • Matthias Friedrich

    MOIA GmbH

    Chapter Lead Android

  • Manuel Mueller

    Netlight Consulting GmbH

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