After the success of our in-person conference in Glasgow, we will continue the celebration with an ⭐️ONLINE⭐️ one on March 19th - a full day of talks and workshops from speakers from all around the world 🌎 ..more speakers to be announced!
41 RSVP'd
After the success of our in-person conference in Glasgow, we will continue the celebration with an ⭐️ONLINE⭐️ one on March 19th - a full day of talks and workshops from speakers from all around the world 🌎 ..more speakers to be announced!
ML Engineer Manager - NLP lead - Google Women Techmakers Ambassador
WE are the change
Data Engineer/Researcher
Appflow by Ionic
Developer Advocate
JP Morgan Chase
Software Engineer
McKeown Tech
Senior DevOps Engineer
Business Intelligence Engineer
Software Developer
Charles River Laboratories
Tech Director | AI/ML GDE
Technical University of Kenya (TUK)
Google Developer Student Club Lead
Data scientist
Imperial College London
Computer Engineering Year 2 Student
Fox's Burtons Companies
JP Morgan Chase & Co.
Software Engineer
Software Developer
Charles River Laboratories
Tech Director | AI/ML GDE
JP Morgan
Technical BA
WTM Ambassador