Join us to celebrate International Women's Day 2024! ⭐️ Our event is open to all, students and professionals, regardless of gender and age! ⭐️ This year, WTM, GDSC and GDG chapters across Scotland have come together to host an International Women’s Day celebration on 9th March! Get ready for a day full of inspirational talks, workshops, Q&As, and giveaways! Our theme this year is "Impact The Fu
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Join us to celebrate International Women's Day 2024!
⭐️ Our event is open to all, students and professionals, regardless of gender and age! ⭐️
This year, WTM, GDSC and GDG chapters across Scotland have come together to host an International Women’s Day celebration on 9th March!
Get ready for a day full of inspirational talks, workshops, Q&As, and giveaways! Our theme this year is "Impact The Future", whether you dare to be bold, innovative, resilient and more.
We are proud to host a full day conference where we will hear from brilliant women speakers who will inspire and motivate us with talks and workshops on technical topics and soft skills.
Our theme is “Impact the Future”, is a call to action for women in tech to impact the future of technology and society for the better.
To find out more about the speakers and agenda, visit:
Saturday, March 9, 2024
1:00 PM – 6:00 PM (UTC)
Charles River Laboratories
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Glasgow Caledonian University
Software Developer - Organizer
Jordanhill School
GDG Glasgow Youth Team Leader
University of Strathclyde
Team member
University of Glasgow
Team member
Charles River Laboratories
Team member
JP Morgan
Technical BA
PGT Student
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