Dreams turned into nightmares, then back to dreams when this curious, mid-50s Baby Boomer, came face to face with Javascript! Come along to hear how Bybreen managed to turn the corner, collect some certificates and regain her resting heart rate. Also, you’ll learn how meeting ‘Sophie the Robot and the idea of Flying Cars’ expanded her world of possibilities.
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Dreams turned into nightmares, then back to dreams when this curious, mid-50s Baby Boomer, came face to face with Javascript!
Bybreen Samuels lost track of time and nearly her mind when she dove into the self-taught journey to becoming a software engineer. Her unconventional route towards tech nirvana is littered with deep sighing. Plus, throwing her hands in the air, shouting and staring blankly, at a screen, for what seemed like lifetimes!
Come along to hear how Bybreen managed to turn the corner, collect some certificates and regain her resting heart rate. Also, you’ll learn how meeting ‘Sophie the Robot and the idea of Flying Cars’ expanded her world of possibilities.
Charles River Laboratories
Tech Director | AI/ML GDE
Charles River Laboratories
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Glasgow Caledonian University
Software Developer - Organizer
Jordanhill School
GDG Glasgow Youth Team Leader
University of Strathclyde
Team member
University of Glasgow
Team member
Charles River Laboratories
Team member
JP Morgan
Technical BA
PGT Student
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