Google Developers Summer Training – Gaza
Trainer: Kamla Baraka
Number of training hours: 18 hours
Date: 15/7/2017 - 2/8/2017
Place: Islamic University of Gaza, Faculty of Information Technology, room I103
Course Description:- This course covers the development of interactive web pages or web enabled databases.
- Students will use PHP , Hypertext Pre-Processor, as open-source general-purpose scripting language and MySQL relational database as a backend to a web delivered interface.
- Students will learn the techniques of gathering data from users through Web forms, storing data in a database on the server and retrieving data from MySQL database.
Course Outcomes
This course is designed to give students an in-depth understanding of web database, data and information models and modeling. In addition, this course is designed to achieve the following objectives:
- Fundamental understanding of the important of web database.
- Experience the fundamental use of PHP , MySQL and Apache as the famous tools for developing interactive web pages.