! For those unable to travel to Copenhagen this August 22-23rd, **GDG Galway** will be bringing the best bits of the **#PolymerSummit2017](https://summit.polymer-project.org/)** to the [**PorterShed** on **August 29th**.The event will start at 7 p.m. and end at 9 p.m. If viewing the two days of talks, code labs, and breakout sessions from the Polymer team wasn’t enough for you, you can join our
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For those unable to travel to Copenhagen this August 22-23rd, GDG Galway will be bringing the best bits of the #PolymerSummit2017 to the PorterShed on August 29th.The event will start at 7 p.m. and end at 9 p.m.
If viewing the two days of talks, code labs, and breakout sessions from the Polymer team wasn’t enough for you, you can join our team for an evening of workshops and a specially prepared "Why Polymer" Keynote where our own Tech Lead, Julien Garrigues, will talk about how he uses Polymer, the transition to Polymer 2.0, and how these reusable Web Components have changed the game of Web Development and Progressive Web Apps for developers everywhere.
Our dedicated team of volunteers will be on hand to help during the workshops and we encourage students, beginners, and more seasoned developers alike to join us with great prizes up for grabs for all those taking part in our PWA workshop.
We are all hyped about the Polymer Summit in Copenhagen so whether you want to learn something completely new, brush up on your learning with new web technologies, or just chat to others about this year’s Summit; what the Polymer team has been working on since the release of Polymer 2.0, or its speakers from Google, Archilogic, Netflix, EA, Atlassian, and Ionic, join us on August 29th for two hours of code, chats, food and quiz games!
For those hearing about the wonder of Polymer for the first time and looking to know more:
Polymer is a JavaScript library that helps you create custom reusable HTML elements, and use them to build performant, maintainable apps.
https://www.polymer-project.org/ also offers hundreds of optimized Web elements that can be used in all sorts of web projects, big and small.
The Polymer Project is an open-source project led by a team of front-end developers working within the Chrome organization at Google. Their mission is to make life better for users and developers, by helping developers unlock the web platform’s full potential and by spurring the web platform to evolve and improve.
What’s not to like?
We can’t wait to show you some cool Polymer stuff! This is a great opportunity to meet sound people and network for pleasure or work.
We are looking forward to seeing you there!
Deirdre O’Connor
Tech, Social Media & Worskhop Development
Google Developers Group - Galway Chapter
NOTE: This event is officially supported by Google.
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