Do you want to Practically start your own online store? We know that building an online store can be a terrifying thought especially when you are not techy, and the process may take several skills. Well, you are not alone!
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Do you want to Practically start your own online store? We know that building an online store can be a terrifying thought especially when you are not techy, and the process may take several skills. Well, you are not alone ! We will help you during your journey following these steps:
◉ First, by creating a great business plan that helps you clarify your strategy, identify potential roadblocks and know your market.
◉ Then, we will help you to choose the right e-commerce platform that fits with your small business, whether you're starting an online business, or taking an offline brand into the digital landscape.
◉ Last but not least OFCOURSE ! You need a great and relevant marketing take your business to the next level.
After this 3 steps of your learning journey. we believe you will be able to successfully launch your rocket
Tuesday, August 16, 2022
2:30 PM – 5:00 PM UTC
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