Cloud Stduy Jam'18

GDG Edirne

• What we'll do Cloud Study Jam. Study Jams are community-run study groups for students on Google Developers content, on various product topics. The objective of Study Jams is to raise the technical proficiency of our global community members through the highest possible course completion rate. Learn the fundamentals of the Google Cloud Platform, how to run containers on it and how to use the

Feb 20, 2018, 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM


Key Themes

About this event

• What we'll do
Cloud Study Jam.

Study Jams are community-run study groups for students on Google Developers content, on various product topics.

The objective of Study Jams is to raise the technical proficiency of our global community members through the highest possible course completion rate.

Learn the fundamentals of the Google Cloud Platform, how to run containers on it and how to use the platform for data engineering. Attendees get free access to the labs ($70+ value).

No need to create a Google Cloud Platform account or register with a credit card.

One in-person session of 3 hours, followed by 2-8 hours of self-study.

Google-hosted badges that attendees can use in their online profiles and show to employers.


  • Berfin Karaca

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    GDG Organiser

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