GDG DevFest 2019 is our annual all-day developer conference that offers speaker sessions across multiple product areas, codelabs, hackathon and more! Google Keynote; Developer keynote; Beyond mobile: material Design, Adaptable IUs, and flutter; prototyping voice experiences: Design spring for the Google Assistant; Teaching a car to drive itself by imitation and imagination; Code, Build
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GDG DevFest 2019 is our annual all-day developer conference that offers speaker sessions across multiple product areas, codelabs, hackathon and more!
Google Keynote;
Developer keynote;
Beyond mobile: material Design, Adaptable IUs, and flutter;
prototyping voice experiences: Design spring for the Google Assistant;
Teaching a car to drive itself by imitation and imagination;
Code, Build, Run and Observe whith android Cloud;
What’s new in Android;
Build a modular Android App Architecture;
TensorFlow for Devices: The Option;
Google Map Platform;
What’s new with Android Car;
Zero to app: live coding a cross-platform app with fireBase;
Best practices for developing in Android TV;
Live coding a Machine Learning Model ;
What’s New in ArCore;
IA for Mobile and IoT: Tensorflow Lite;
Developping First AR experience for google Mapp;
Machine Learning Magic for your JavaScripts Application;
Web App whit AMP;
Make your Web site Fast;
Google Cloud Platteform;
What’s new on Dart;
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