**Please make sure to have an EventBrite ticket for this event:** **https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/xmas-special-in-3d-gdg-dublin-3dcamp-dublin-dublin-unity-user-group-tickets-19778402735** ** ** Join us for a Saturday of fun playing with anything 3D. This event is organised with our friends: **Dublin Unity User Group:** http://www.meetup.com/Unity3dDublin/ **3Dcamp Dublin**: http://www.meetu
Please make sure to have an EventBrite ticket for this event:
Join us for a Saturday of fun playing with anything 3D.
This event is organised with our friends:
Dublin Unity User Group:
3Dcamp Dublin: http://www.meetup.com/3DcampDublin/ & https://twitter.com/3dcamp
We'll have demos (AR, VR, Cardboards, Project Tango,...) and you can also bring and demo your own project at the Show and Tell. The afternoon would be a workshop on cardbaords in Unity.
10-30 Registration
11-00 Intro from GDG, DUUG, 3Dcamp. Presenters set up their projects
11-30 Show-and-tell. Participants present their projects in a free form.
12-20 Preview of the game everyone will be working on.
12-50 Pizza break
13-30 Workshop starts
Adding Cardboard SDK elements into Unity Scene
Camera control
Simple sight control.
Book rotation
Fuse button
Participants use existing materials to build their unique locks and puzzles.
17-00 Results presentation
17-30 The End
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