I/O Extended 2018

GDG Dhaka

Google I/O (simply I/O) is an annual developer conference held by Google in Mountain View, California. I/O showcases technical in-depth sessions focused on building web, mobile, and enterprise applications with Google and open sources such as Android, Chrome and Chrome OS, APIs, Google Web Toolkit, App Engine, and more. I/O Extended 2018 Rangpur is our annual all-day developer conference that off

Jun 2, 2018, 8:00 – 11:00 AM (UTC)

0 RSVP'd

Key Themes

About this event

Google I/O (simply I/O) is an annual developer conference held by Google in Mountain View, California. I/O showcases technical in-depth sessions focused on building web, mobile, and enterprise applications with Google and open sources such as Android, Chrome and Chrome OS, APIs, Google Web Toolkit, App Engine, and more.

I/O Extended 2018 Rangpur is our annual all-day developer conference that offers speaker sessions across multiple product areas, code labs, hackathon and more! It showcases technical in-depth sessions focused on building web, mobile, and enterprise applications with Google and open sources

9:00 AM Registration & Welcome Coffee
10:00 AM Introduction to PRODUCT1
10:50 AM Introduction to PRODUCT2
11:40 AM What's new on PRODUCT3
12:30 PM Lunch time
2:00 PM Talk: TOPIC1
2:50 PM Talk: TOPIC2
3:40 PM Talk: TOPIC3
4:30 PM Coffee Break / Networking
5:00 PM Talk: TOPIC4
5:50 PM Hands on session: WORKSHOP
6:40 PM Closing & Happy Hour


  • Abu Anwar MD Abdullah



  • Md. Monirujjaman

    Giga Tech Ltd.

    Community Organizer

  • Rashik Ishrak Nahian

    Wezapps Limited


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