Women Techmakers is powered by Google Developer Group. From 2014 to present, Women Techmakers is continually launching global scalable initiatives and piloting new programs to support and empower women in the industry. Women Techmakers is going to organize a career growth workshop and provide scholarship opportunity and information. Get to know more about by attending the program. Register yourse
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Women Techmakers is powered by Google Developer Group. From 2014 to present, Women Techmakers is continually launching global scalable initiatives and piloting new programs to support and empower women in the industry. Women Techmakers is going to organize a career growth workshop and provide scholarship opportunity and information. Get to know more about by attending the program.
Register yourself today here: https://goo.gl/forms/zK4uTfxLi03CeUUA2
Venue: Joomshaper, Navana Newbury Place, 4/1/A Sobhanbag Rd, Dhaka 1205
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