Say Hello to Flutter (Codelabs)

GDG Depok

====================PLEASE READ THIS================== Only register in this form: RSVP on this page only will not guarantee that you get the ticket to the codelabs. ======================================================== Halo teman-teman developer di Depok, Flutter adalah mobile app SDK dari Google untuk membangun aplikasi berkinerja tinggi, berkemampuan tinggi

Sep 20, 2018, 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM (UTC)

0 RSVP'd

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About this event

====================PLEASE READ THIS==================

Only register in this form:

RSVP on this page only will not guarantee that you get the ticket to the codelabs.


Halo teman-teman developer di Depok,
Flutter adalah mobile app SDK dari Google untuk membangun aplikasi berkinerja tinggi, berkemampuan tinggi, untuk iOS dan Android, Flutter telah digunakan oleh developer dan organisasi di seluruh dunia, dan gratis dan bersifat open-source.

Yuk kita diskusi dan belajar bersama tentang Flutter, layanan dari Google yang baru-baru ini sedang populer. Cari tahu apa itu Flutter dan bisa digunakan untuk apa saja.

Pembicara :
Muh. Isfhani Ghiath, Lead, Developer Student Clubs STTNF, Representative of Crowdsource Indonesia, Google

Detail pelaksanaan meetupnya adalah sebagai berikut:
Hari/Tanggal: Kamis, 20 September 2018
Waktu: 18.00 - 21:00
Tempat: CodeMargonda, Mezanin Level Lt.2 Depok Town Square, diatas foodcourt (Ada Musholla di CodeMargonda)

=== Peserta diharap membawa laptop karena meetup kali ini adalah codelabs ===

Agar menghemat waktu saat mulai mencoba flutter diharap laptop sudah ter install flutter. flutter bisa dijalankan pada Windows/Mac/Linux

Cara Install :

Requirement Workshop :
1. Windows :
* Operating Systems: Windows 7 SP1 or later (64-bit)
* Disk Space: 400 MB (does not include disk space for IDE/tools).
* Tools: Flutter depends on these tools being available in your environment.
- PowerShell 5.0 or newer
- Git for Windows (with the “Use Git from the Windows Command Prompt” option)

Jika Git untuk Windows sudah diinstal, pastikan Anda bisa menjalankan perintah git dari Command Prompt atau PowerShell.

2. MacOS:
* Operating Systems: macOS (64-bit)
* Disk Space: 700 MB (does not include disk space for IDE/tools).
* Tools: Flutter depends on these command-line tools being available in your environment.
- bash, mkdir, rm, git, curl, unzip, which

Requirement Knowledge and Tools :
1. Understanding Programming Basic Android with Java or Kotlin
2. Laptop
3. Android Studio or Visual Studio Code
4. Smartphone or Emulator for Android or IOS

Acara ini bersifat "Pay What You Want" dengan kuota terbatas

Narahubung :
[masked] (Faiz)


  • Azmi Faiz

    GDG Organizer

  • Viranita Julianti

    Women Techmakers Ambassador

  • Pramasta Ramadha Rahardjo

    SAGA Digital Studio

    GDG Organizer

  • Tangguh Pramono

    GDG Co-Organizer

  • Ahmed Rayhan Primadedas

    Badr Interactive, PT

    GDG Co-Organizer

  • Winda Dyah Ayu

    GDG Co-Organizer

  • Fiki Alamsyah

    IT Group Indonesia

    GDG Co-Organizer

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