We are waiting for you at our IWD 2021 event for International Women's Day. GDG/WTM Delta comes together to offer a joint event. The event is aimed at the entire community and helps promote new female speakers and make visible female talent in the technology sector. #IWD # IWD21 # IWD2021 #WomenTechmakers #CourageToCreate
127 RSVP'd
We are waiting for you at our IWD 2021 event for International Women's Day. This time,
GDG Delta comes together to offer a joint event.
Women Techmakers is an initiative led by Google and organized by women of different
professions that takes place in different cities worldwide. The event is aimed at the entire
community and helps promote new female speakers and make visible female talent in the technology sector.
#IWD # IWD21 # IWD2021 #WomenTechmakers #WTM #CourageToCreate
Entrepreneurship Consultant
Mansoura chest hospital
Pulmonary specialist Head of DR_TB department at mansoura chest hospital
Pediatric cardiothoracic surgery ICU Mansoura university children hospital
Mansoura chest Hospital
Mansoura University/ Faculty of Engineering
Lecturer, Prod. Eng. & Mechanical Design Department, Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University, Egypt
Faculty of Engineering, Delta University for Science and Technology.
Assistant Professo
Mansoura University
Student at Computer & Communication Engineering, MU
Mansoura university
junior biomedical engineering student
Mansoura university
Mansoura University
tudent at Biomedical Engineering Department
Senior android developer Android and flutter instructor
Mansoura University/Freelancer
Formal principal of IGCSE in an Egyptian Educational Institution
GDG/WTM Alexandria
Google's Women Techmakers ambassador, GDG Alexandria organizer, and WTM Alexandria lead
Information Technology Institute - Smart Village branch
*Trainee at ITI in Embedded systems track
GDG &WTM Delta
Coorganizer at GDG Delta & WTM Delta
GDG & WTM Delta
GDG &WTM Delta
Front end developer
optimistech coworking space
OPTIMISTECH space / founder and CEO
Instadeep/GDG Carthage/WTM Carthage
Web & Mobile Software Engineer
WTM Carthage - Lollipop
‘Google Developer Group Carthage’ Lead , ‘Women Techmakers’ Ambassador,
AZ Tech Solutions
Founder and CEO
AZ Tech Solutions
GDG Organizer
AZ Tech Solutions
Information technology institute (ITI)
AZ Tech Solutions
Electronics and Communications Engineering
Delta university for science and technology
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