We always see in our life the successful person and the normal one!! Do you know the difference between them?👥!! The difference between them is that there is a person who searches well for a chance of success and exploited it well 🙋,and Another person had the opportunity and did not try to exploit it🙇 .And of course everyone likes success but very few people are looking for opportunities and mak
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We always see in our life the successful person and the normal one!! Do you know the difference between them?👥!!
The difference between them is that there is a person who searches well for a chance of success and exploited it well 🙋,and Another person had the opportunity and did not try to exploit it🙇 .And of course everyone likes success but very few people are looking for opportunities and make successful from them...
In many cases we get confused and don't know where to look for the opportunity and how??
= So we come to you ,we have the opportunity🎉🎉 ,and always available to help you👬 ,Then it will be your turn that it is necessary to exploit and use it well ,and there is no other choice 😌..... =start talking about this opportunity that is a great event 💪💪
1- Have you heard sometimes What about the team of Google Developers Group?Or about women techmakers?
= You'll get to know them well in this event ,and know what is the purpose of them 😎,and also we will learn together how to use the Google site as students, know about Google grants ,and how to get it😄🏃
We'll also take advantage of the methods of modern tectology in entrepreneurship💼
You will present your great ideas and we'll help you turn it into Project
2 - Do you know what entrepreneurship?If you don't know we'll explain to you well What is entrepreneurship ,and tell you the story of the youngest Egyptian millionaire 👨😉
3- We'll talk A lot about artificial intelligence and Google Assistant💯
= We'll also talk about the language of the era ❇ which we certainly agree that English is the most common language in the world 🌍so, we'll learn together how to learn English correctly👌
.. Do you think we'll only talk about these topics ?Certainly No!!!!!!🏃
5 - Unfortunately there are a lot of people taking courses in many places but often the circumstances surrounding us do not allow whether they are far from our place of residence or because they are expensive 💰,although we can take the same material and content that is free or at a reasonable price And very prestigious places .These courses are accredited by foreign and Arab universities🏆 ...
So in this time we'll talk about
Moocs 🔮
=oh what it means?... It's a shortcut of the phrase➡➡Massive Open Online Cources 🏃, save your money 💰and use the internet😉.
We'll know how to benefit from MOOCS in our event ...
6 -Now the role of YouTube has come as YouTube is not just watching movies🎦, it's another world💫
= You will be able to take advantage of the opportunity with us on 5/11 at Delta University,Conference Hall at the Faculty of Business Adminstration at 10:30 am⏰💫
We are always waiting for you😉👏
AZ Tech Solutions
Information technology institute (ITI)
AZ Tech Solutions
Electronics and Communications Engineering
Delta university for science and technology
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