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Google Developer Group Darwin proudly presents the first event Scaling Up with Google Cloud. Open to everyone willing to learn, connect and gain insights about the latest Google technology and Game Development.
Join us on Friday, 26th May at Charles Darwin University, Blue 05.1.01, Casurina.
Geshan Manandhar
Software Engineer | Agile Follower | Technologist | Solution Provider
Geshan is a seasoned software engineer, with more than a decade of software engineering experience. Currently, in Sydney, Australia serving Simply Wall St. as a Senior Software Engineer. He has a keen interest in REST architecture, microservices, cloud computing and is a language agnostic software engineer who believes the value provided to the business is more important than the choice of language or framework.
Title: From 0 to working Serverless URL for a Containerized app
Ever wondered if you could run your web application container on a serverless platform? Wait no further with the recent Google cloud run release it is already possible. You can get from 0 to a working serverless URL for a containerized app in no time. Till now there was nothing that married the goodness of serverless with container's ease. Cloud run also makes deploying new versions very easy with its web interface. This talk will be a run-through of deploying and running a simple nodejs app on Google Cloud Run in a matter of minutes.
Zephyr Dobson
Integration & Game Engineer
Zephyr is a Darwin-born and raised video game player, developer / all- around software engineer. He studied at CDU and since then has made four small games in various NT local game Jams winning various awards in them, and completed a thesis on Virtual Reality driving for youth. His aim is to turn frowns upside down and add value in any way he can (video games are my preferred means).
Title: Current landscape of Video games in the NT, their presence, developments, and the growing community.
Where: Ellengowan Dr Casuarina Blue 05.1.01 - Lecture Theatre · Darwin
Time: 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Refreshments will be provided.
Friday, May 26, 2023
8:00 AM – 10:00 AM (UTC)
GDG Organizer
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