CYT : Choose Your Tech

GDG Damanhour

Technology is changing rapidly, when you are sleeping then get up, you realize how far it has been changed, so you should be updated and know about everything that changes in your field. On the other side, if you want to start, you may be confused as fields are expanding and getting more complicated, and you are getting lost and sometimes you don’t find the true information and the specialized me

Jun 22, 2019, 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM


Key Themes

About this event

Technology is changing rapidly, when you are sleeping then get up, you realize how far it has been changed, so you should be updated and know about everything that changes in your field.

On the other side, if you want to start, you may be confused as fields are expanding and getting more complicated, and you are getting lost and sometimes you don’t find the true information and the specialized mentor who can give you a specific advice.

So we provide you an event we are going to provide you intro about the new technologies, which are important to anyone in the field of technology, They will be presented by specialized geeks and developers, who will benefit as much as possible. Follow us as you learn more about the event and the technologies that are presented.

The Technologies that you will find in our event:
Flutter - IOT(Internet of Things) - AI(Artificial Intelligence) - Cloud Computing.

Don't worry if you don't know anything about them.
We will announce on speakers and more details soon,
so follow us to know our latest news.

The form:
hurry up, the seats are so limited.

التكنولجيا في تغير سريع، تنام .. تصحى تلاقي تكنولوجيا جديدة، وحاجات بتتطور تطور مذهل وأسرع من اللي قبله، وعشان تفضل متمكن في مجالك لازم تبقى updated،
تتقدم خطوة موازية مع كل تقدم بيحصل.
على الجانب الآخر لو لسة هتبدأ فبتكون تايه؛ لأن المجالات بتوسع وتتشعب أكثر فأكثر، فتحتار وتبدأ تدور، وفيه ناس مش بتلاقي المعلومة الصحيحة، والنصيحة الموثوق فيها من متخصص.
عشان كدا حبينا يكون أول عهدك بينا إننا نعرفك بالـ technologies
الجديدة والمهمة لأي حد في المجال أو حابب يدخله.
هيكون معانا ناس متخصصين ومطورين، عشان تستفيد بأكبر قدر ممكن.
تابعنا عشان تعرف تفاصيل أكثر عن الـ event
والـ technologies اللي هيتم عرضها.

المجالات اللي هنتكلم عنها في اليوم بإذن الله:
Flutter - IOT(Internet of Things) - AI(Artificial Intelligence) - Cloud Computing.

ما تقلقش لو ما تعرفش أي حاجة عنهم
وهنعلن عن المحاضرين وتفاصيل اليوم أكتر قريب جدًا فتابعونا أول بأول.

سجل فيها بسرعة وعرف أصحابك؛ لأن العدد محدود جدًا


  • Tarek Alabd

    Organizer, Chairman, Software Engineer Team Leader

  • Ahmed Aboelyazeed


  • Abeer Attia

    HR Leader

  • Mohamed Saied


  • Mahmoud Abed


  • Ziad Elsayed

    Media Leader

  • Menna T-Allah Nawar

    PR Leader

  • Eman Hemida

    OC Leader

  • Mai Gamal

    OC Vice Leader

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