Michalis and Zenon will introduce us to the world of Blockchain technology. The objective of this presentation is to enable the participants to get a basic understanding of the fundamentals of Bitcoin and blockchains in general and explore existing and potential use cases including money and NFTs. Lastly we will have an overview of some other popular blockchains. This is part one - Fundamentals.
24 RSVP'd
GDG Cyprus is happy to announce our March tech talk!
We are delighted to have with us Michalis Vassiliou and Zenon Zenonos!
Michalis and Zenon will introduce us to the world of Blockchain technology. The objective of this presentation is to enable the participants to get a basic understanding of the fundamentals of Bitcoin and blockchains in general and explore existing and potential use cases including money and NFTs. Lastly we will have an overview of some other popular blockchains.
This presentation will be part one of a two-episode series. The second part will be more in depth and technical, building on the first. Stay tuned!
The two speakers are experts in the field of Blockchain and are the founders of BVLT, a Cyprus startup with global reach that builds products and financial infrastructure on the Bitcoin and the Lightning Network. BVLT is about to release its first product, a multipurpose, non custodial bitcoin and lightning wallet that enables merchants to easily on board and accept bitcoin payments over the counter with low fees, and users to or send, receive and store Bitcoins.
Join us in this virtual event to get to know more about this awesome technology, and get inspired on how you can use Blockchain in your applications to innovate and excel!
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