Road to Cloud Engineer

GDG Cúcuta

In this talk, we will discuss the skills and knowledge you need to become a cloud engineer. We will cover the following topics: The different types of cloud computing platforms The fundamental skills of cloud engineering, such as programming, networking, and security How to get started with cloud engineering, including resources for learning and certification

22 jul 2023, 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. (UTC)

4 asistentes

Temas principales

Career FairCloudCloud HeroRoad to Google Developers Certification

Acerca de este evento

Here are some additional points that you could include in your description:

The talk will be relevant to anyone who is interested in a career in cloud engineering, regardless of their current level of experience.

The talk will provide practical advice on how to get started with cloud engineering, including resources for learning and certification.

The talk will also discuss the career outlook for cloud engineers, which is very bright.


  • Fermín Blanco

    Software Engineer


  • Fermin Blanco


  • Yhary Arias


    Machine Learning & MLOps Engineer

  • Carolina Uribe Velasco

    Atrae Negocios

