Using Realm for Data Synchronization

GDG Columbus

When it comes to mobile development, a solid user experience is key, but as a mobile developer you’re faced with many obstacles that make this challenging including (network reliability, authentication, encryption, data serialization, data consistency, offline storage, and error handling at every level of the stack) to name a few… and somewhere in that mountain of concerns, is your business logic,

Apr 20, 2017, 10:00 PM – Apr 21, 2017, 12:00 AM


Key Themes

About this event

When it comes to mobile development, a solid user experience is key, but as a mobile developer you’re faced with many obstacles that make this challenging including (network reliability, authentication, encryption, data serialization, data consistency, offline storage, and error handling at every level of the stack) to name a few… and somewhere in that mountain of concerns, is your business logic, the app you actually care about.

In this talk, we’ll analyze these obstacles in detail and see how the Realm Mobile Platform handles this for you, letting you focus on what makes your app unique.

You’ll also learn, through a live demo, how you can start using it in your own applications.


  • Pete Gordon

    GDG Organizer

  • James Power



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