Have you ever used a User Interface framework that didn't suck? Let's talk User Interfaces and creating them. Jim is going to run us through Swift UI and we are going to talk about PowerJ Practices (analogous to "Best Practices") for building user interfaces with SwiftUI. We may talk up about R/ShinyUI framework
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Have you ever used a User Interface framework that didn't suck? Let's talk User Interfaces and creating them. Jim is going to run us through Swift UI and we are going to talk about PowerJ Practices (analogous to "Best Practices") for building user interfaces with SwiftUI.
We may talk up about R/ShinyUI framework and a little about JQuery functions, and we might even have a minimal React/JSX discussion, or even other approaches to User Interfaces. Anyone know Qt?
Pete's cheering for HTML/CSS/SVG/DOM/JS! And, he might even chat about ThreeJS/WebGL, if he can ever figure out how interactivity works in ThreeJS.
September 17 – 18, 2020
10:00 PM – 12:00 AM (UTC)
Online event
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