Study Jams are community-run study groups for developers on Google Developers content, on various product topics. The objective of Study Jams is to raise the technical proficiency of our global community members through the highest possible course completion rate.
98 RSVP'd
Android Study Jams are community-organized study groups for people to learn how to build Android apps, using the curriculum provided by Google. We would recommend beginning your first Android Study Jam session as soon as possible to ensure that your community has ample time to start learning Android.
These materials can be used in a meetup group, after-school program, or among any group of peers. At the end of the program, you can offer a fun challenge for participants to create an Android app that tackles a local community problem.
July 9 – 23, 2022
4:30 AM – 8:30 AM (UTC)
Application Developer
Application Developer
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