08:30-08:55 Registration and Social Networking Session I Opening Ceremony Speeches Presenter Mr. Ali Chehade 09:00-09:05 Ms. Lina Shouman Chairperson, MIS Department 09:05-09:10 Dr. Farid Abdallah Dean of School of Business 09:10-09:20 Dr. Samir Abou Nassif Vice President Keynote Speakers Speeches 09:20-09:30 Ms. Ghada Gebara Consultant for Digicel Transformation and Dig
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08:30-08:55 Registration and Social Networking
Session I
Opening Ceremony Speeches
Presenter Mr. Ali Chehade
09:00-09:05 Ms. Lina Shouman
Chairperson, MIS Department
09:05-09:10 Dr. Farid Abdallah
Dean of School of Business
09:10-09:20 Dr. Samir Abou Nassif
Vice President
Keynote Speakers Speeches
09:20-09:30 Ms. Ghada Gebara
Consultant for Digicel
Transformation and Digitalization SME
09:30-09:40 Dr. Abbas Tarhini
President, Association for Information Systems
MENA Region
09:40-09:50 Mr. Raffy Karamanian
Head of Digital Banking, Bank Audi
09:50-10:00 Ms. Yusr Sabra
Co-Founder and Managing Director of Wakilni
10:00-10:10 Ms. Rami Santina
President and Founding Member
Syndicate of Computer Science in Lebanon
10:10-10:15 Break
10:15-11:00 Panel Discussion I - Innovate to Generate
Moderator: Mr. Ali Chehade
Mr. Emil Moawad - Serial Entrepreneur,
Co-Founder and CEO of Show Me Lebanon
Mr. Rami Santina - President,
Syndicate of Computer Science Lebanon
Mr. Hassan Hibri - President,
Syndicate of IT Certified Experts in Lebanon
Mr. Samer El Gharib - Founder and CEO of
10:45-11:00 Coffee Break and Open Exhibition Tour
Session II
Panel Discussions
11:15-12:00 Panel Discussion II – Dynamism in Industry
Moderator: Ms. Nada El Mais
Mr. Salah Awad - Senior Product Manager at
Murex and Lead Facebook Developers Circle
Ms. Elissa Mkanna - Murex, Product Owner
Ms. Valerie Dalati - Founder of Talent Lab
Mr. Ahmad Zein - Lead, Google Developer
Group Coast Lebanon
12:00-12:30 Panel Discussion III - Game for an IS Career?
Youth Key Note Speaker: Mr. Iyad El Hout
Moderator: Mr. Amad Zein - Lead, Google
Developer Group Coast Lebanon
Mr. Abdallah Inabtawi - MIS Analyst,
Cedars Premium
Mr. Bilal Hindi - System Analyst
Jamal Hardware Company
12:30-12:45 Trophies Distribution
12:4513:30 Lunch Break
Session III
13:30-14:15 Workshop I
Room Scroll Up - ERP Applications
Room Talent Lab – The Role of Digital Learning in
Blended Learning
14:15-15:00 Workshop II
Room Game Design
Room Unreal Engine 4
14:15-15:00 Workshop II
Room Keen International - Startup to Scaleup
Room Quantitative Methods Competition
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GDG Coast Lebanon
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GDG Coast Lebanon
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