Let's get together to watch and discuss the KotlinConf 2019 keynote, get highlights from other sessions and learn what's new in Kotlin! Agenda: 6:00PM - 6:15PM Registration 6:15PM - 6:30PM Opening Ceremony 6:30PM - 6:45PM Call with Roland Yeghiazaryan: GDG Yerevan Co-organizer and Android Tech Lead at SoloLearn 6:45PM - 7:30PM Opening Keynote 7:30PM - 8:00PM Session 1 8:00PM - 8
25 RSVP'd
Let's get together to watch and discuss the KotlinConf 2019 keynote, get highlights from other sessions and learn what's new in Kotlin!
6:00PM - 6:15PM
6:15PM - 6:30PM
Opening Ceremony
6:30PM - 6:45PM
Call with Roland Yeghiazaryan:
GDG Yerevan Co-organizer and Android Tech Lead at SoloLearn
6:45PM - 7:30PM
Opening Keynote
7:30PM - 8:00PM
Session 1
8:00PM - 8:15PM
Break + Networking
8:15PM - 9:00PM
Session 2
GDG Core & Lead Organizer
GDG Coast Lebanon
GDG Organizer || WTM Ambassador || GDSC Mentor
GDG Coast Lebanon
GDG Organizer || GDSC || Software Developer
GDSC Lebanon Facilitator || Software Developer
GDG Coast Lebanon, WTM
Neo Technologies
Android Engineer
Islamic Uuniversity of Lebanon
GDG Team Member
WTM Ambassador
Lebanese American University
Partnership Manager
American University of Beirut
Team member
Lead software developer
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