GDG Cloud Zürich - Feb 2024 Meetup (#13)

Europaallee 8, 8 Europaallee, Zürich, 8004

GDG Cloud Zürich

Join us for the 13th GDG Cloud Zürich Meetup at Google Offices in Zürich! Registration page - If you're interested in presenting/speaking at one of our community events, then please fill out this form:

Feb 8, 12:30 – 5:30 PM

3 RSVP'd

Key Themes

CloudDataDevOpsEnterprise/Business SolutionsMachine LearningNetworking

About this event

Hello GDG Cloud Zürich members. This month, we are combining forces with the Google team and supporting them with hands-on Duet AI ( ) labs at their offices in Zürich.

As such, we will be moving the date for this month’s meetup to Feb 8th 13:30-18:30.

You'll have the opportunity to:

  •  Learn how you can seamlessly integrate Duet AI into your development process
  •  Discover how Duet AI can be used for code completion, code generation, comments, explanation and deployment in Google Cloud
  •  Participate in hand-on labs with Google Cloud experts & network with your technical peers

MANDATORYAll attendees must bring their own laptop and have a Google/Gmail account already created in order to participate in the hands-on labs. These sessions are designed for technical practitioners.

NOTE: Event registration will be via the registration link below, instead of the usual Meetup or GDG signup process.

Registration page


⏰ 13:30-14:00: Registration & Networking

⏰ 14:00–14:05: Welcome Remarks

⏰ 14:05–14:20: Introduction to Generative AI in Google Cloud

A quick introduction to AI on Google Cloud from Gemini to Vertex AI to Duet AI. Learn how Google Cloud Platform is set up to scale for AI workloads.

⏰ 14:20–15:50: Application Development with Duet AI

Duet AI is a generative AI-powered collaborator from Google Cloud that helps developers build applications, admins provision infrastructure, analysts analyze data and make predictions, plus much more. During this hands-on session, you will learn:

  • How to set up Duet AI in Cloud Shell Editor and deploy a "Hello World" Flask app
  • How to deploy and understand an AI/ML Image Processing Pipeline in Python
  • Best practices for prompts when using Duet AI

⏰ 15:50–16:05: Break

⏰ 16:05–17:30: Hands-On Labs

⏰ 17:30–18:30: Networking Reception & Demo Floor

Hosted By

Graham Polley, Organizer

Thomas Hug, Organizer

Filippo Broggini, Organizer

Community Friends & Supporters: Google, DoIT, Zencore



Thursday, February 8, 2024
12:30 PM – 5:30 PM UTC


  • Graham Polley


  • Thomas Hug

    Nine Internet Solutions AG

    Founder & CEO

  • Filippo Broggini


  • Marcin Orlinski

    DoiT International


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