GDG Cloud Toronto is partnering with Tensor Flow user Group (TFUG) to bring a combination of both educative and informative speaker sessions on how Tensorflow is making an impactful change in the Health sector along with Hands-on lab on Machine Learning from Google. Confirmed Agenda: 5.30pm - 6.00pm - Registration & Professional Networking 6:00pm to 6:15pm - Introduction about GDG Cloud Toront
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GDG Cloud Toronto is partnering with Tensor Flow user Group (TFUG) to bring a combination of both educative and informative speaker sessions on how Tensorflow is making an impactful change in the Health sector along with Hands-on lab on Machine Learning from Google.
Confirmed Agenda:
5.30pm - 6.00pm - Registration & Professional Networking
6:00pm to 6:15pm - Introduction about GDG Cloud Toronto and TFUG
6:15pm to 6:45pm - Ehsan Amjadian (Sr. Data Scientist - RBC, AI Mentor DNA) - NLP Applications in Medicine
6:46pm to 7:15pm - David Chen (CTO, BenchSci) - Problems from AI model to production code in Health Care
7:16pm to 8:15pm - Hands-on lab on Google Platform
8:15pm to 8:45pm - Professional networking
Please bring your laptops and chargers for Free hands-on lab on Google Platform.
Attendees will also get free 1 month access to Google learning modules.
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