Site Reliability Engineering (SRE), like DevOps, is a set of practices with the goal of aligning development teams with operation teams to pioneer innovation and product reliability.
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GDG Cloud Thessaloniki is co-organizing this event with C2C
Site Reliability Engineering (SRE), like DevOps, is a set of practices with the goal of aligning development teams with operation teams to pioneer innovation and product reliability. The field of SRE, which started within Google, contains its own cultural considerations on how service-level objectives (SLOs) should be met by development teams.
This presentation will cover:
An introduction to Google’s own DevOps and SRE implementation
The benefits of adopting SRE for your team and organization
A demonstration of how to bring the movement’s abstract ideas into practice
Before this event, we recommend browsing additional resources on SRE here.
Google Cloud
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