Hello World! On May the 20th it was BigQuery's birthday, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4_q2fQ1sJw. It became 10 years old. So there is no better way to close the 2nd Community Speedrun Challenge with a BigQuery Quest. Sign in/up, for Free. Take part in the contest, for Free. Win prizes from Google and from GDG Cloud Thessaloniki! Every Speedrun is open for a week to give you the ability
1 RSVP'd
Hello World!
On May the 20th it was BigQuery's birthday, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4_q2fQ1sJw. It became 10 years old.
So there is no better way to close the 2nd Community Speedrun Challenge with a BigQuery Quest.
Sign in/up, for Free.
Take part in the contest, for Free.
Win prizes from Google and from GDG Cloud Thessaloniki!
Every Speedrun is open for a week to give you the ability to finish all labs in your best time, scoring more points and winning prizes.
Find more information and register here: bit.ly/speedrunchallengeeurope π
Speedrun Date: May 25 π
Webinar Time: Monday from 19:00 to 21:00 pm (GMT+2) β° or
20:00-22:00 Greek Time Zone β°
BigQuery for Machine Learning
Lab: Predict Taxi Fare with a BigQuery ML Forecasting Model
Trainer: Felipe Hoffa
(Cloud Developer Advocate at Google)
########### HOW TO WIN ##########
############### F R E E ############
##### JetBrains product license #####
1. Register to the Community Speedrun Challenge,
2. Finish all the labs and take a screenshot that will show your Account and the Completed Quest,
3. Upload your screenshot on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and use both of the 2 following Hashtags: #GDGCloudThessaloniki #GDGCloudGreece,
4. Send me, here, a DM with a screenshot from your post at the social media,
5. If you post to 1 of the above social media you'll get one chance to draw your name. If you post on 2 different social media you'll have 2 chances and for 3 posts, one for each of the above social media you'll have 3 chances.
6. You must send me a DM until Friday, May 29.
7. The draw will take place on Saturday, May 30 and the winner will be informed with a DM here and will be announced on our Social Media pages.
FB: https://www.facebook.com/gdgcloudgreece
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/gdg-cloud-greece/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gdgcloudgreece
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