Experience how you can do Image Processing on Google Cloud Platform, see the AIY Vision Kit and Intel's OpenVINO Toolkit on the action! Bring with you: your laptop, your coffee & beers for the facilitator! π Please, do check your Qwiklab account, by visiting https://www.qwiklabs.com and sign-in or sign-up, before coming to the Cloud Study Jam. AGENDA: 18:00 doors open 18:15 Intro - Ic
11 RSVP'd
Experience how you can do Image Processing on Google Cloud Platform, see the AIY Vision Kit and Intel's OpenVINO Toolkit on the action!
Bring with you:
your laptop,
your coffee &
beers for the facilitator! π
Please, do check your Qwiklab account, by visiting https://www.qwiklabs.com and sign-in or sign-up, before coming to the Cloud Study Jam.
18:00 doors open
18:15 Intro - Icebreakers
18:30 CSJ - Image Processing
19:30 Break
19:45 AIY Vision Kit
20:15 Intel's OpenVINO Toolkit
20:50 Q&A
21:00 Bye Bye
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Co-Organized by YET and hosted by CITY College, International Faculty of the University of Sheffield.
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