Community Speedrun Challenge #1: Baseline: Data, ML, AI

GDG Cloud Tallinn

The Community Speedrun Challenge is a training program that will run in May where you’ll have the opportunity to join four Speedruns and get hands-on experience with Machine Learning on Google Cloud, and take your first steps with tools like BigQuery, Cloud Speech API, and Cloud ML Engine. Every Speedrun is open for a week to give you the ability to finish all labs in your best time, scoring more

May 4, 2020, 5:00 – 7:00 PM

1 RSVP'd

Key Themes

CloudMachine Learning

About this event

The Community Speedrun Challenge is a training program that will run in May where you’ll have the opportunity to join four Speedruns and get hands-on experience with Machine Learning on Google Cloud, and take your first steps with tools like BigQuery, Cloud Speech API, and Cloud ML Engine. Every Speedrun is open for a week to give you the ability to finish all labs in your best time, scoring more points and winning prizes.

As previous time, we will have separate hangouts chat just for locals, to compliment any official communication channels and to help each other with any technical issues. You will get hangouts link by RSVP yes to this event here, at

To participate in actual speedrun, and get qwiklab credits for labs and possibly a free month of access later please go to and sign up.

Speedrun Start Dates: May 4, 11, 18, and 25
Webinar Time: Mondays from 8pm to 10 pm (UTC+3)
Baseline: Data, ML, AI with Zack Akil (Google)
Intro to ML: Language Processing with Dale Markowitz (Google)
Intermediate ML with Lee Boonstra (Google)
BigQuery for Machine Learning with Felipe Hoffa (Google)


  • Ervin Weber

    GDG Organizer

  • Margus Mahler

    GDG Co-organizer

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