Join us for the final GDG Cloud Sydney meetup for 2019! Geshan Manandhar and Dheerendra Nath will be taking us through the following topics; Presentation 1; From 0 to Working Serverless url for a Containerised App with Google Cloud Run (Geshan Manandhar - Senior Software Engineer @ The Iconic) Ever wondered if you could run your web application container on a serverless platform? Wait no fur
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Join us for the final GDG Cloud Sydney meetup for 2019! Geshan Manandhar and Dheerendra Nath will be taking us through the following topics;
Presentation 1;
From 0 to Working Serverless url for a Containerised App with Google Cloud Run
(Geshan Manandhar - Senior Software Engineer @ The Iconic)
Ever wondered if you could run your web application container on a serverless platform? Wait no further with the recent Google Cloud Run release it is already possible. You can get from 0 to a working serverless URL for a containerized app in no time. Till now there was nothing that married the goodness of serverless with container's ease. Cloud Run also makes deploying new versions very easy with its web interface. This talk will be a run-through of deploying and running a simple nodejs app on Google Cloud Run in a matter of minutes.
Presentation 2;
Modern Data Warehouse Design on Google Cloud
(Dheerendra Nath - Senior Engineer @ Shine Solutions)
You may already familiar with the capabilities of BigQuery and Dataflow and use them to ingest data and do big data processing. However, not many developers are truly familiar with how to implement the critical capabilities of a data warehouse - segmentation of data into daily partitions, maintaining partition isolation, using the correct partition in views across the board, how to implement one-click rollback or roll-forward so that no views need to be redeployed, how to design automation with intermediate results (e.g. asynchronously rolling the date forward and computing intermediate results every interval), etc.
Any GCP developer that intends to build a modern, scalable data lake with GCP will need to have these tricks up their sleeve.
Look forward to seeing you all there.
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