Building an Ethereum wallet on Google Cloud

GDG Cloud Sydney

Join us for a demo of the Hut34 wallet, a new app that makes Ethereum wallets easier for AI, bots, and people. Built on Google App Engine and using Google Drive, the Hut34 Wallet is an interface to the Ethereum blockchain. It allows users to create addresses quickly and easily in a decentralised and ‘trustless’ environment. It’s also on Github and ready to fork! ** SPEAKERS ** Matt, 3wks Develo

Apr 18, 2018, 8:00 – 10:00 AM (UTC)


Key Themes

About this event

Join us for a demo of the Hut34 wallet, a new app that makes Ethereum wallets easier for AI, bots, and people.

Built on Google App Engine and using Google Drive, the Hut34 Wallet is an interface to the Ethereum blockchain. It allows users to create addresses quickly and easily in a decentralised and ‘trustless’ environment. It’s also on Github and ready to fork!


Matt, 3wks Developer, will run a demo of the app, share the problem to be solved, some of the challenges encountered along the way, and run us through the technology behind the Ethereum wallet including GCP, Drive, Google OAuth, React, and ethers.js.

Peter from Hut34 will share with us the use cases for this wallet, and plans including enhancements, and open-sourcing the application to support the mission to make the Ethereum ecosystem easier for AI, bots, and even people.

** AGENDA **
6:00 pm Arrival, drinks and food
6:30 pm Event Kick off + Intro - Andrew
6:35 pm Demo of App - Matt
7:00 pm Context and Plans for the App - Peter
7:30 pm Q & A + more drinks
8:00 pm Event Closure

#gdg #demos
#cryptocurrency #wallets #reactjs #googlecloudplatform #howto #googling #github


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