Time: 18.00 (Doors open at 17.30) Date: 17/6 Food&Drink: Yes Agenda: 1\. Hengameh Rezaei, Google - what is Anthos. Position: Customer Engineer (Cloud Architect) Role description: I help customers answering their technical questions on GCP tools and enabling them to move to GCP. I also review the system architecture and give advice on it. In summary, I help customer to succeed with GCP. 2
Time: 18.00 (Doors open at 17.30)
Date: 17/6
Food&Drink: Yes
1. Hengameh Rezaei, Google - what is Anthos.
Position: Customer Engineer (Cloud Architect)
Role description: I help customers answering their technical questions on GCP tools and enabling them to move to GCP. I also review the system architecture and give advice on it. In summary, I help customer to succeed with GCP.
2. Abdel sghiouar, Google - GKE OnPrem Deep Dive.
3. Jonas Vadebo, NetEnt - experience running GKE OnPrem.
4. Martin Omander, Google
Martin Omander works for Google in Mountain View, California. His job in the Developer Relations team is to help developers build better software, and improve Google’s Cloud Platform to make it even better for that purpose. In his spare time he manages to sneak in some game programming.
In this talk you will hear the story of how a chain of pet clinics started their journey from a legacy system to a container-based and serverless system on Google Cloud Run, the code they wrote, and the benefits they reaped. You will also learn how you can embark on that journey with your organization, and achieve safer deployments and lower cost if you already have.
5. Mingle+drinks
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