Unwind and talk tech with your favorite tech meetup groups GDG Cloud Southlake and DFW Hashicorp Users Group. Bring a new member! We'll be hanging out in Turning Point Beer's private event space -- "The Relic." Beers included. Food Truck from 6p-8p: https://ohballstx.com/ Maybe a cornhole tournament?
57 RSVP'd
Unwind and talk tech with your favorite tech meetup groups GDG Cloud Southlake and DFW Hashicorp Users Group.
Bring a new member!
We'll be hanging out in Turning Point Beer's private event space -- "The Relic."
Beers included.
Working on catering... Probably a food truck.
Maybe a cornhole tournament?
Thursday, December 15, 2022
12:00 AM – 3:00 AM (UTC)
Come and Go Event from 6-9p |
Sr. Director, Enterprise Architecture
GDG Cloud Southlake Chief Organizer
Director Reliability Engineering
American Airlines
Sr Director - Data Analytics & Engineering
Sabre Holdings
Director SRE
Barefoot Coders
Cloud Architect
GDG Organizer Regional Director Central USA Balbix
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