Webinar will consists of 3 main sections: 1\. Human RSS A short sharing session of latest news of products/services coming out from Google Cloud 2\. Speaker 1: Harness the power of your data by BigQuery Guest Speaker: Rasel Rana From this 20 minutes session audience will get four insights 1\. From zero to business impact 2\. Cut off analysis time by up to 90% with BigQuery + Data analysis
6 RSVP'd
Webinar will consists of 3 main sections:
1. Human RSS
A short sharing session of latest news of products/services coming out from Google Cloud
2. Speaker 1: Harness the power of your data by BigQuery
Guest Speaker: Rasel Rana
From this 20 minutes session audience will get four insights
1. From zero to business impact
2. Cut off analysis time by up to 90% with BigQuery + Data analysis tools
3. Advanced visualization and reporting with third party tools
4. Few best practices
3. Speaker 2: TBA
Guest Speaker: TBA
Please proceed on to the live links on youtube/facebook to watch the live stream, or watch it later at your own pace
Youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8nAUBGX4Ls
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