Google I/O Extended 2023 Seattle - AI edition

HUB 160, HUB 160 - Lyceum at UW Campus, Seattle, 98104

GDG Cloud Seattle

Join us for the AI edition of Google I/O Extended 2023 Seattle to discuss the Generative AI technologies and more at I/O and connect with Googlers and GDEs for Q&As and deep dives.

Aug 1, 2023, 12:00 – 4:00 AM

10 RSVP'd

Key Themes

AICloudGoogle I/O ExtendedMachine LearningTensorFlow

About this event

Google I/O connects developers from around the world for thoughtful discussions, hands-on learning with Google experts, and a first look at Google’s latest developer products.

Join us for the AI edition of Google I/O Extended 2023 Seattle to discuss the Generative AI technologies and more at I/O and connect with Googlers and GDEs for Q&As and deep dives.




Tuesday, August 1, 2023
12:00 AM – 4:00 AM UTC


  • Bill

    GDG Organizer

Contact Us

Featured Attendees

  • Anil Thadani


    Sr. Software Engineer

  • Edinardo Potrich

    Project Kuiper

    System Development Engineer